My heart hurts beyond imagination. My heart has
been removed from my body. For I gave it to someone, someone that
was special and dear to me. Someone I trusted my heart with, someone I loved,
Someone who was my friend. Someone I would have done anything for.
And now my heart is missing. It was thrown in the dirt. And left on the ground
to die. It has only been a few days and still I cannot find it. My heart is gone.
My heart is missing and I'm in pain. Perhaps I shall find it again someday.
I'm hoping someone will find it for me. For until then, I am still
searching for it. For it was my sin to give my heart away so lovingly.
I am without it for now and I must suffer.
Every moment of everyday of every second of every minute, a pain strikes
me as punishment, for my heart is missing. Every time I see her, I cannot
breathe. I cannot hold the tears in my eyes. For she only must
have hated me with a passion, to break my poor young soul. To kill me
softly. But still I search. I search for my broken, beaten, smotherer heart.
For I gave it to someone. Someone that was special and dear to me.
Someone who I trusted my heart with. Someone I loved, someone who was
my friend. Someone I would have done anything for. God, please help me...
please Lord...