Bring The Truth!!!

I’ve been wanting to blog about this sermon I just recently heard.  Just this past June, David Platt gave a message at the Southern Baptist Convention Pastor’s Conference 2009.  David Platt is a 30 year old pastor at the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama.  I love this guy.  He is the bringer of truth.  He has such a love and devotion to the Scriptures.  Just listen to some of his other messages.  This message is definitely one of my favorites of his.

All I have to say is, “Wow!”  This was such a powerful message that was both challenging and encouraging to me.  Platt spoke on Hebrews 13 and Numbers 13.  He repeated a question, “Are we going to die in our religion or are we going to die in our devotion?”  One of my favorite quotes, “Let’s risk it all!”

So without further ado, here is David Platt

After I listened to this message a couple of times I couldn’t help but be motivated and ready to take the charge he had brought before us.  But shortly after I also had a fear come over me.  I wonder if this will live with me for a short while and then I will retreat back to my comfort zone.  God give me strength, faith, and boldness to go on your mission.

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